Friday 5 November 2021

Mobile Development

Mobile development is simply the development done for mobile devices. We have heard about apps and games installed on mobiles, so basically their development is known as mobile development.

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Nowadays everyone carries a mobile with them, The things we saw on mobile are usually apps and games. These apps are used by the user for various purposes like entertainment, knowledge, planner, etc. These apps are an important part of our day-to-day life. Some people are dependent on their mobile devices for daily work.

Where can we run these apps?

So for running or developing apps, we need some platform, so in the case of mobile devices, the most popular platforms are Android and IOS.

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These both are operating systems for mobile devices. Android is developed by Google and IOS is developed by Apple. Android as an operating system can be seen in any other smartphone however IOS can be seen only in Apple devices. Android is most popular in people as it is compatible with smartphones of every price range.

How to develop a mobile application?

Previously mobile applications were developed natively which means a single app is developed/written multiple times according to multiple platforms/processors. But now we can write a single app for multiple devices.


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The main point while choosing mobile development is the platform on which a person wants to work whether he/she wants to focus on android development or IOS development. 

The other point is which language he/she wants to choose. There are many languages for developing apps and games for e.g. Java, Javascript, Kotlin, and Swift.

Java is one of the most popular languages and the most common language used for android app development. 

Javascript can be run on any mobile device. It has a huge community. The most popular framework of Javascript is React Native which is quite popular among developers. 

Swift is the most popular language for IOS app development. Swift is an interactive language which makes it a perfect choice when it comes to IOS app development. 

In order to become a mobile developer, one must master any mobile platform. Mobiles are everywhere and in mobiles, everything is about apps and games. Its market is huge which makes it one of the most demanding fields in technology. 

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