Sunday 7 November 2021

Cyber Security

Cyber security is one of the most trending and widely used fields of technology in today's era. It simply talks about the different methods and measures to protect systems and networks from unauthorized access. The main purpose of cyber security is to safeguard data and information from cyber-attacks.

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In order to understand the clear meaning of cyber security one has to understand the meaning of cyber attack. Now the question is what is a cyber attack?  so the cyber attack is an attempt by any hacker or person to damage or destroy the system or the network or try to steal some data from that network which can be further used in crimes and other unethical acts and protecting the systems and networks from such systems is known as cyber security.

Cyber threats are further classified into two categories, the first one is known as cybercrime, and this type of attack targets individuals, corporates, etc., and the second type is known as cyber warfare which targets the state.

Cyber threats nowadays are increasing day by day due to the increase in the use of the internet, computers, mobile phones, and other technical items and the use of such objects in order to gain information in an unethical way and then use that information for criminal acts is known as cybercrime. It usually occurs with the help of a variety of software and hardware designs.

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There are a lot of ways in which cyber-attacks can occur, It may occur directly with some hardware devices connected to the system or the network and directly spread viruses and other harmful resources into the system. There are many other types of attacks such as DoS attack in this the attacker attempt to make the machine or system unavailable for its users and targets the host connected to the internet.

Malware is another type of software used to damage the computer system and gather sensitive information through unauthorized access, there is also another type of cybersecurity threat known as phishing, in this hackers try to create the clone of some other website or app and gather personal information including phone numbers, credit or debit card details and lot more which may lead to many serious problems.

There are a lot of measures by which one can save themselves from such activities like one has to keep the software up to date and make the use of anti-virus and firewall to prevent such attacks, use of strong passwords and multi-factor authentication also helps to save data from such kind of attacks.

Cyber security is the need of the hour and is a very essential technology in today's world for everyone, it not only provides safety from data breaching but also helps to secure your personal information from being misused in today's world.

Cloud Computing

Cloud Computing is accessing services through the internet. Services such as data storage, networking, development, etc. are hosted in a data center and are managed by a cloud service provider. 

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Let's understand cloud computing through an example

Assume you are the head of a big company, initially, there were only ten people so it was easy to manage data storage for these employees but as the company grows the count of employees keeps on increasing it becomes too difficult to manage resources for these many employees, so you as a head hired an online service for data storage and other services. 

Types of cloud computing 

Saas: Software as a service 

Accessing software via the internet without installing them on your device. Some examples of Saas are AWS(Amazon web services), dropbox, etc.

Paas: Platform as a service

Accessing software and hardware tools through the internet for developing new applications and software. Some examples of Paas are Microsoft Azure, Google App Engine, etc.

Iaas: Infrastructure as a service

Cloud services over on-premise services. Companies can avoid installing systems in their company premises and can pay for online services which are cheaper. Some examples of Iaas are DigitalOcean, IBM Cloud, etc.

Why Cloud Computing?

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Users can scale up and down whenever they need. There is no loss while cutting the resources in cloud computing.


Data is secure and is not lost whenever there is a service failure


Cloud services are cost-effective as it reduces the cost of installing hardware devices on our premises. 

Cloud Computing as a career

Cloud computing is one of the most demanding fields in technology. As we are witnessing advancements in technology there is a need for scalability too, so cloud computing is the one-word answer for the same. This is the field that needs more experienced professionals.

Cloud computing is the new era of the new world and it acts as one of the most important technology nowadays. Whether it is for storing or for development, cloud computing helps to serves the purpose best.

Internet of Things

Internet of things(IoT) brings a new era in the field of technology, IoT is described as a large number of physical objects embedded with sensors and other technologies which connect with other devices in order to exchange information over the internet and either communication networks.

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The real question is how IoT actually works so let's understand the process. IoT makes the use of web-enabled devices that make the use of embedded processors, sensors, and other devices which collect and send the data which they acquire from their environment, all the devices are first connected to the IoT gateway which is simply a physical or virtual platform that connects different devices and sensors to the cloud and then these sensors exchange information over that network.

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The main aim of IoT is to make everything works in a smarter way and even we can see a lot of applications of this in our day to day lives as well such as smart homes, with the help of IoT smart homes are advanced to the next level, for instance, we can the switch on and off our televisions with voice control devices even self-driven cars is a very good example of IoT where cars used different sensors and processors connected to cloud over a network where they exchange information through various models in order to sync accordingly to provide secure drive, even most of the smart wearables also use this technology to provide us different insights which we can relate to our daily activities. We can also see the use of IoT in many other sectors like healthcare, military, retail, manufacturing, energy sectors, and a lot more. There are a lot of other examples to which we can relate to this technology in today's world.

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IoT provides a lot of benefits to its users like saving money and time to a greater extend. It also helps to monitor the overall insights of different business operations and helps to make better business decisions. It provides the new era of digital transformation.

There are also a lot of risk factors involved with the advancement in this technology as more and more devices are connected to the shared devices it increases the risk of information-stealing and if a bug or error occurs in any of the devices it can create problems in the whole network and hence it is very important to maintain the network properly in order to ensure the proper working of the system. The increased risk about the safety of information in such networks place the technology in doubt sometimes but proper management and measure can help to overcome such issues.

IoT provides a lot of advanced features and it will develop more in the future and will bring a new era in the field of technology, but one has to take care of the safety of data while using such technologies. This will surely bring a lot of advancements in the technical field.

Friday 5 November 2021

Mobile Development

Mobile development is simply the development done for mobile devices. We have heard about apps and games installed on mobiles, so basically their development is known as mobile development.

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Nowadays everyone carries a mobile with them, The things we saw on mobile are usually apps and games. These apps are used by the user for various purposes like entertainment, knowledge, planner, etc. These apps are an important part of our day-to-day life. Some people are dependent on their mobile devices for daily work.

Where can we run these apps?

So for running or developing apps, we need some platform, so in the case of mobile devices, the most popular platforms are Android and IOS.

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These both are operating systems for mobile devices. Android is developed by Google and IOS is developed by Apple. Android as an operating system can be seen in any other smartphone however IOS can be seen only in Apple devices. Android is most popular in people as it is compatible with smartphones of every price range.

How to develop a mobile application?

Previously mobile applications were developed natively which means a single app is developed/written multiple times according to multiple platforms/processors. But now we can write a single app for multiple devices.


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The main point while choosing mobile development is the platform on which a person wants to work whether he/she wants to focus on android development or IOS development. 

The other point is which language he/she wants to choose. There are many languages for developing apps and games for e.g. Java, Javascript, Kotlin, and Swift.

Java is one of the most popular languages and the most common language used for android app development. 

Javascript can be run on any mobile device. It has a huge community. The most popular framework of Javascript is React Native which is quite popular among developers. 

Swift is the most popular language for IOS app development. Swift is an interactive language which makes it a perfect choice when it comes to IOS app development. 

In order to become a mobile developer, one must master any mobile platform. Mobiles are everywhere and in mobiles, everything is about apps and games. Its market is huge which makes it one of the most demanding fields in technology. 

Artificial Intelligence

When we talk about some of the most advanced technologies in today's world the first thing came to our mind is artificial intelligence. It is clear from the name itself that it is some kind of intelligence built or shown artificially. Let us understand the clear meaning of this so artificial intelligence is the intelligence demonstrated by machines by which machines tend to think and behave like humans and do certain tasks that only humans were able to do earlier. The machines are programmed in such a way that they develop the ability to learn with experience and perform different tasks as humans. 

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One can see different applications of artificial intelligence in our day-to-day lives as well. One of the vital use of AI is in the field of marketing. Different AI solutions help many potential clients to improve their marketing strategies by providing them better solutions through refining campaigns, not only but AI also helps to attract potential customers and deliver them the right information at right time by understanding the deep knowledge about the customer's history, another main use of AI is in the health care field where it helps in a different diagnosis, detecting particular complications and analyze the effects of different diseases. 

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There are a number of other applications of AI like in agriculture it helps to detect pests and diseases in plants and analyze different weather conditions which helps farmers to grow their crops in an effective manner.

There are a lot of advantages of AI that can come into account while using it, one of the foremost advantages of AI is the reduced time for heavy tasks, with the help of AI one can make a quick analysis without wasting much time and minimize the use of man force as well. There are a lot of other advantages which includes chatbots which attracts a large number of customers and more importantly, it can do tasks that humans find difficult or impossible to do, not only this but AI also helps to ease many daily life activities such as Google Assistant, Alexa, and many other virtual assistant technologies.

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With the advancement in new technologies, there are also a lot of disadvantages, one of the main disadvantages is cost, developing artificial technology solutions requires a lot of expenses and by the excessive use of these technologies human are becoming more lazy and dependent and there is a threat also that AI can replace humans in coming future which can also act harmful to the society.

Artificial intelligence provides a lot of benefits to society and it will take more big steps to improve the technology to a greater extent in the future. AI is the new era of advancement and will continue to create more and more effective solutions but we have to take care about its negative aspects and how harmful they are for future generations as well.

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