Sunday 24 October 2021

Web Development

Web development refers to building, deploying, or creating websites. Web development can be a development of a single page or multi-page complex website.
So what is a website? A website is a group of files stored on a server. These files can be HTML files, CSS, or JS files. The server is basically a computer on which a website is hosted. Users can access these websites with the help of the internet. 

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Structure of a website:

HTML: HTML means HyperText Markup Language. It serves the purpose of a skeleton of a website. It is the basic structuring of our website.

CSS: CSS is used for styling the website. We can apply styling on the website created using HTML. 

JAVASCRIPT: Javascript is used to make a website more dynamic.
These are the basic files that make a website and these files are hosted on a server and then a user can access them.
So how is a responsive big-scale website developed?
There are two types of web development: 
1. Frontend Development 
2. Backend Development 

Frontend Development: 

The part of a website which user sees is the frontend and developing it with the help of HTML, CSS, and JS is known as frontend development. This is the part with which the end-user interacts. The designing and structuring of a website are done in the front end.

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There is a number of frameworks and libraries for frontend development like ReactJS, VueJS, Bootstrap, AngularJS, and many more.

After getting a clear idea about how to develop a website using HTML, CSS, and JS, one can easily get hands on one of the frontend frameworks.

Backend Development:

The functioning/working of a website is defined in the backend. The user can't see this part of the website. Backend is basically the server-side part of a website. The backend contains logic that is executed whenever the user performs some actions on the frontend side. 

Developing the part of the website which is server-based and a user can't see it is known as backend development.

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The main applications of the backend are maintaining the database, developing APIs, and writing the logic functions. 
Databases are used to perform various CRUD (Create Read Update Delete) operations in a dynamic way. By using the backend we can make a website a real-time website as in that case the website will interact with real-time data.
Some of the languages used for backend development are Java, Python, PHP, Ruby, etc.
Some examples of databases are MYSQL, MongoDB, GraphQL, etc.
For the backend, we do have many frameworks and libraries some of them are Django, Laravel, ExpressJs, SpringBoot, etc.
Web development is a field that is growing every day. Every new day comes with a new advancement, feature, and development in this field. It is one of the most demanding fields among tech geeks these days. By mastering this field a person can become a freelancer or can hit a big offer from an MNC.


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