Monday 25 October 2021

Game Development

Almost every one of us plays a large number of games on our devices like computers, mobile phones, etc. But have you ever wondered how these games are actually developed? that's where the concept of game development came into play. Game development is the process in which one creates games along with the different attributes of the game like the environment, player, motive of the game, and lots more. Actually, there is no rocket science behind the development of games, but it took a lot of time to develop the field of game development with new technologies.

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Developing games is not easy for everyone, one has to take care of a lot of things while creating games. One of the foremost qualities which are required for a game developer is love and understanding for games.  The process of creating a game can be short or long depending on the nature of the game you are creating and also on the complexity of the game. One has to understand the different components of the game development like how to use assets, how to make the game more interactive, and a lot more things that one needs to understand while developing games.

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The process of developing games involves some important steps the very first step is the development of main concept upon which the game has to be made and one has to create one plan as well by which one will move ahead in the process of game development the next step is the design of the game it involves how the game will look and then one has to start the creation of the different assets as per requirement after that one has to start the production of the of the game by importing different assets including players, enemies and other objects after that programming will be started accordingly and after all these steps testing is done, the main motive of testing is to see whether is there any kind of bug or problem in the game while playing or not. If the problem exists then the required problem should be handled by the specified department so that the users of the game will not face any problem while playing the game.

There are a lot of softwares available nowadays which can help to develop games like unity game engine, Unreal engine, Buildbox, Cry engine, and many more. All these engines are used by a lot of professionals to develop different types of games.

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There is a lot of demand of game developers nowadays due to increase in the users of games. Many people are choosing game development as their career because of its increased demand among the people all over the world.

At last we can conclude that game development is one of the major field nowadays and one cannot imagine the future of gamers without this field. With the increase in advancements the technologies of game development will also increase in future as well which provide a new era in the field of game development.

Sunday 24 October 2021

Web Development

Web development refers to building, deploying, or creating websites. Web development can be a development of a single page or multi-page complex website.
So what is a website? A website is a group of files stored on a server. These files can be HTML files, CSS, or JS files. The server is basically a computer on which a website is hosted. Users can access these websites with the help of the internet. 

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Structure of a website:

HTML: HTML means HyperText Markup Language. It serves the purpose of a skeleton of a website. It is the basic structuring of our website.

CSS: CSS is used for styling the website. We can apply styling on the website created using HTML. 

JAVASCRIPT: Javascript is used to make a website more dynamic.
These are the basic files that make a website and these files are hosted on a server and then a user can access them.
So how is a responsive big-scale website developed?
There are two types of web development: 
1. Frontend Development 
2. Backend Development 

Frontend Development: 

The part of a website which user sees is the frontend and developing it with the help of HTML, CSS, and JS is known as frontend development. This is the part with which the end-user interacts. The designing and structuring of a website are done in the front end.

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There is a number of frameworks and libraries for frontend development like ReactJS, VueJS, Bootstrap, AngularJS, and many more.

After getting a clear idea about how to develop a website using HTML, CSS, and JS, one can easily get hands on one of the frontend frameworks.

Backend Development:

The functioning/working of a website is defined in the backend. The user can't see this part of the website. Backend is basically the server-side part of a website. The backend contains logic that is executed whenever the user performs some actions on the frontend side. 

Developing the part of the website which is server-based and a user can't see it is known as backend development.

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The main applications of the backend are maintaining the database, developing APIs, and writing the logic functions. 
Databases are used to perform various CRUD (Create Read Update Delete) operations in a dynamic way. By using the backend we can make a website a real-time website as in that case the website will interact with real-time data.
Some of the languages used for backend development are Java, Python, PHP, Ruby, etc.
Some examples of databases are MYSQL, MongoDB, GraphQL, etc.
For the backend, we do have many frameworks and libraries some of them are Django, Laravel, ExpressJs, SpringBoot, etc.
Web development is a field that is growing every day. Every new day comes with a new advancement, feature, and development in this field. It is one of the most demanding fields among tech geeks these days. By mastering this field a person can become a freelancer or can hit a big offer from an MNC.

Graphic Designing

We all heard the term of graphic designing in our day-to-day lives but what exactly graphic designing is? Graphic designing is a branch of design where designers use their creativity to develop different visualizations to optimize the user experience. In simple terms, we can say that graphic designing helps to increase visual communication by using creative graphics.

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Graphic designs play a very important role in increasing the user experience of any website or page. It provides a greater visual interaction to the customers or users. Not only in the websites but graphic designing plays a very important role in other modes as well for example in business cards also one can use classic and creative designs to improve the appearance of their formal card, even in posters also graphics helps in beautifying the appearance of the posters which attracts more number of people towards it and also keep the interest of the users on the posters as well. There are a lot more examples which one can relate from the surroundings as well like how graphic designing is changing the way of visualizing different things, starting from the magazines and catalogs to advertisments and websites and many times such things seems more appealing to us which are more creative , have attractive colours and graphics.

Many graphic designers use a variety of different techniques and options to work with different kind of assets like images, colours , typography, layout and many more things.They create attractive graphics with all the assets which attracts a large number o f customers visually , in other words we can say that graphic designers use visuals to communicate with their customers or users which text can't, they provide their users engaging visuals and as the result of which it helps the users to interact easily.

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There are a lot of softwares available that can be helpful in the field of graphic designing. Softwares like adobe xd, adobe photoshop, figma, adobe illustrator and many more are very helpful to create different graphics. All these softwares are widely used by a lot of professionals to develop appealing visuals for different platforms. Whether online or offlines these graphics are one of the most important part of a large number of works.

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A person can also develop graphic designing as their career if they are interested in working with different visuals, colours, typography and also interested in providing users a better user experience. Even every company or organisation need graphic designers while producing different products for their customers.

Graphic designing provides a new era in the field of designing, previously designing was only limited to small scope but due to new advancements and technologies it is a much broader field now and one cannot imagine the world without graphic designing. The simple question is will something seems appealing to us if it just contains a plain text and no colours , no images and no graphics, obviously the answer is no, that's where graphic designing came into play and with time it becomes one of the most important part of anything provided to us whether it is a simple menu or a magazine.


Saturday 23 October 2021

Data Science

Data science is one of the emerging field in technology, we saw many people around us talking about it but many of us don't have any proper knowledge about it. The most basic and important question is what actually data science is? Data science is simply the process in which we collect facts, figures, and statistics and then use different procedures and visualization techniques on that data to extract meaningful insights which further help in different ways like the insights can help an organization to expand their business and make business strategies as required.

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There are a lot of examples that we can relate to our day-to-day lives where data science came into play, we all use the internet to search for different things and almost all of the search engines use data science algorithms to provide better search results to their users secondly, almost all of us use different shopping sites like amazon which use recommendation systems to provide customized results to its users like if we search for a particular item we can always see the option of  "recommendations for you" which contain similar items to that of the product we viewed recently such kind of systems use user's past activity and data and provide personalized results based on that insights, target advertising also works on this principle. Even the healthcare sector is using the advancement of data science to predict several tumors which is also one of the application of data science.

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The field of data science is so vast and diverse and one can find a lot of things from a simple visualization task. People are finding this field as the future of technology and that is the reason why so many people are finding it interesting. It's the new technology for forecast and trends which attracts a large number of people and businesses to grow with it. It helps a lot of industries and organizations to develop different insights which can be very useful for them.

One can choose data science as their career also if they are interested in managing data and drawing insights from it. One can work as a data scientist, analyst, data engineer, and many more as they like. The jobs in this field are also on the boom and even the salaries provided by many companies are also good.

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Data science is the booming technology that is bringing different changes in the field of technology and in this century of advancement almost every one of us is using this in different ways either to grow our businesses or to draw insights from the data which can be helpful in different manners. Recent years have witnessed a boom in the field of data science as a result of it the things which were not possible earlier are now possible with the help of data science.

Friday 22 October 2021


Blockchain is the new technology slang nowadays. Are you wondering what blockchain technology is? Let's find the answer. Blockchain is a type of database. It stores the data in block form and these blocks are joined via chains. A popular example of blockchain is bitcoin. Simple right?

Let's explore more.

So how blockchain is made? A new block is created whenever there is new data and then that block is attached to the chain. There is no single person and organization which is controlling it, the blockchain is managed by multiple users. 

Structure of block
In blockchain, the first block is known as the genesis block. Each block contains the data, hash of the current block, and the hash of the previous block. The data depends on the type of blockchain. Hash is a unique identification key If we change something inside the block then the hash is also changed. You might be thinking if the hash of the current block is changed then its next blocks will be invalid because the hash of the previous block will be invalid? In order to resolve this, we have something called proof of work.

Proof of work 
In proof of work, the creation of blocks is slowed down. Hash of all blocks in recalculated. If anyone tampers with one block then he/she has to recalculate the hash (proof of work) for every block.

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Acceptance Criteria 
Blockchain is shared in the distributed network which means it is shared between multiple users. It is distributed in a P2P network. Everyone is allowed to join and everyone gets a copy of the blockchain. Whenever a new block is inserted in the blockchain then everyone verifies if everything is correct or not. If everyone agrees, then the blockchain is accepted.

Pros and Cons
The main advantage of blockchain is it's decentralized which means it is shared with multiple users. Blockchain is one of the most secure networks. It needs a consensus before it gets verified. But there are disadvantages too, in some scenarios blockchain consumes a lot of energy, a user needs proper knowledge to understand its working and the data is not mutable which means a user cannot modify the data once it's inserted into the block.

Blockchain is a new thing for many people. Many of us are still learning about it. But the zeal of people may result in new advancements in blockchain in the future.

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